Over 50 per cent of Australians die without a valid will in place. This often leads to confusion and stress for family members, as well as the added costs and time that can be associated with administering estates. While it may not be the easiest topic to discuss, O’Reilly Stevens Lawyers will take you through the whole process of Wills & Estate Planning with consideration and respect, while explaining all aspects in an easy-to-understand manner.
O’Reilly Stevens Lawyers can assist with the planning and preparation of:
- Wills
- Family, Discretionary or Testamentary Trusts
- Enduring Powers of Attorney
- Advanced Health Directive
- Safe Custody Service For All Documents
- Administering Deceased Estates
Your Will
Your Will is one of the most important documents you will ever sign. It allows you to ensure all your affairs are in order in the case of your death, including:
- Distribution of assets
- Arrangements for any dependants
- Business arrangements, including family succession
- Funeral wishes
Your Will also allows you to choose an Executor who will be responsible for making sure your wishes are met.
Family, Discretionary or Testamentary Trusts
A Trust can provide taxation benefits as well as protection of your assets. O’Reilly Stevens Lawyers have the expertise to assist with the establishment of Trusts.
Administering Deceased Estates
O’Reilly Stevens Lawyers can assist executors in distributing and transferring the assets to beneficiaries, obtaining probate or letters of administration as well as contacting beneficiaries and relevant government institutions to make this process as smooth as possible.
Family Provision Claim
A dependant person may have a right to claim a provision under a will or an intestacy. O’Reilly Stevens Lawyers can advise and assist you with the necessary court action to make such a claim.
Enduring Powers of Attorney
You can appoint a person you trust as your attorney to make important decisions and manage your affairs on your behalf if you are ill or unable to do so yourself. The attorney’s decisions have the same legal force as if you had made them yourself.
Advanced Health Directive
An Advanced Health Directive allows you to plan and spell out what future medical treatment or health care you would like in the event that you cannot make decisions for yourself.
Safe Custody Service for All Documents
O’Reilly Stevens Lawyers will keep all your important documents in a secure holding at our offices free of charge. Copies of the documents can be arranged for your personal records.